Estudiantina, FDE, and Other Aspects of Argentine Youth Culture

Some stuff has happened.
Wednesday and Thursday of this past week was Estudiantina at my school. Estudiantina, for those of you that are unfamiliar, is essentially a party/fun-fair at school, when we don't have to wear our uniforms and play games instead of attending classes. It's a fun time. 
Some student made the sign above in case any students forgot and arrived in their uniforms and carrying their books.
On Wednesday, it was mostly party games like musical chairs, egg balancing, and cup stacking, along with friendly soccer games. Someone also brought a pack of water balloons, and things kinda got out of control. I'm not sure if you can tell, but everyone in the photo above is soaked. The water balloons got used up early, so it turned to squeezing water bottles onto people's heads, which then escalated to buckets and hoses.
Then came Thursday.
So, on Thursday, the main event was stage performances, which ranged from singing and playing guitar to cross-dressing. Pictured above are almost all my male classmates, adorned with bras, dresses, and crop-tops. Another event was when the students who had been voted "rey" and "reina" (king and queen) by their classmates walked the stage to cheers from the assembled.
Also, this happened. Message me on social media if you'd like the full story.

FDE (Fiesta de Estudiantes) is essentially OPRF homecoming, but outside and lots more people because they're coming from all the schools in Parana. For me, it ran from 2am to about 6am. I ended up sleeping all day Friday.
 The food is still delicious. Homemade papas fritas are my favorite.
 The rest of these photos are showcasing the adorable pets and animals here.
 The girl in this photo is a student from Iceland. We got to hold puppies.
My life is now complete.
Till next time.


  1. todas esa cosas serian como la semana de la escuela con deportes, torneos, etc y durante la semana los alumnos no asisten a clases, en muchas ocasiones asisten chicos de otros colegios y el ultimo día de la semana es la coronación de rey y reina y bufón de la escuela y después de eso es fiesta a la noche, algunas o fiestas de escuelas llevan cantantes a la fiestas, los de 6 to hacen una coreografiar, también hay espuma, bebidas alcohólicas, toros mecánicos y etc etc. eso si algunos lo hacen a las fiesta en la escuela y otros durante todo el año recaudan dinero para la semana y alquilan un complejo deportivo aveces, salones, etc. soy de tucuman argentina y me gusto mucho lo que escribes


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